Monday, October 10, 2016

A Woman of Strength and Purpose

I was excited to dig into this book.  The title pulled me in and I eagerly began.

After reading a chapter I thought maybe this book really wasn't for me.  This book was written from a strong-willed woman. She was writing how to manage this will in a godly manner.

At times I am strong-willed. (others call it stubborness), At other times I cave in to everyone around me.

We all know someone who fits the strong-will persona.  Sometimes they come off manipulative other times respected. The author explains it's almost as if they can't help it.

The saying "just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should" jumped out at me.  This can pertain to mild or strong personalities.

The book did shed some light on how to use a strong-will to glorify God, This ministry can go by leaps and bounds.

I ended up enjoying this book and recommend it for every woman no matter what you display for personality.  We can learn both ends of the spectrum and use it for God's glory.

"I was given this book by Multnomah Publishing Group for this review."