Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Ragmuffin Gospel

There are times reading this book that I had to reread to really understand what the author meant.  There are some things I disagreed with,  He states some sins can be a gift because when we turn to God it is good.  I do believe God can turn it to His glory, but I never consider sin to be a gift.  I think that takes God's grace for granted in that evil brings about God's good.

Manning also says we need to be open-minded where we rarely resort to creation or evolution, sacred or secular. I believe we need to be one or the other. These issues cannot blend.  Jesus was very open about giving up worldly thoughts and He is exclusive.

We cannot say all religions can come together. Unlike the author, who says we are looking for demons in those we disagree, most Christians love and care for others even when disagreeing.

I do agree with the author that many have lost their sense of wonder and that grace is brutally devalued. Those that have the disease called Jesus will never be cured.. Something to think about.

I liked this book, but disagreed with too many points to give it a high recommendation.

"I received this book for free from Waterbook Multomah Publishing for this review."

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Good Things

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This book brings up a great truth that God wants to give us good things. Too often we look for the black cloud over our head.

Kevin Gerald states that God's goodness outweighs the pain of life's hardships. We can keep our mind on God's favor, not on our failures.  Grace and favor are intertwined.

We can train our eyes to see the favor all around us. God is for us and always seeking to give us good things.

The most difficult question I felt the author asked was, "What do you think God thinks about you?"
Probing into the answer can reveal things about us.  Bottom line God's favor is forever!

"I received this book for free from Waterbook Multomah Publishing for this review."

Friday, August 14, 2015

Five Years in Heaven

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This book reminded me of the best selling book Tuesdays with Morrie.  The great friendship between this young man and an aging nun is priceless.  I definitely wanted to meet Sister Augustine and also see her amazing works of art.

When I read she painted ceramics and the gushing praises of the author, my eyes rolled.  I figured it was the plain Jane busts we see at vendor shows.  I immediately went online to see the nun's work. I was pleasantly surprised at the beauty and uniqueness in each piece.

It is a heart tugging story that connected these two people. I appreciated how the author brought out Sister Augustine's down to earth spirit, yet heavenly credit where it is due.

I recommend this book to anyone who loves a heartfelt friendship.

"I was given this book for free for this review from WaterBrook Multomah Publishing Group."

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Cookie Love

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I am so excited to try the recipes in this book. I have had this book since the Spring, but my Grandson was born and my other activities went away for the moment.

I have been a cookie baker for quite a few years. I have many recipe books with cookies. So I hesitated to get one more, since it is usually the same old recipes.

I was pleasantly surprised to find many new cookies. There is one called The Kitchen Sink.  I will definitely try Corn Nut Cornmeal Shortbread.  Who wouldn't love the many different flavors of rugelach.  There is even homemade sauces to put on your ice cream.

So many recipes, so little time

"I was given this book for free for this review from WaterBrook Multomah Publishers."

Monday, March 30, 2015

Finding Your Way Back to God

When I first started reading this book I wasn't sure where the authors were headed.  Was this for a new believer, an old believer or one that didn't believe at all?  It seemed written to all of those types of readers. 

I felt at times that the statement "finding your way back to God" seemed a little too common and accepted.  It was stated as if this happens all the time to people.  I am grateful that God is merciful if I am backsliding, but that is not to be a numerous action on my part.

There are some great chapters in this book that talks about the close relationship we can have with God. To me that is what my life is to be all about.

"I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review"

Friday, February 20, 2015

Divine Applause

Jeff Anderson has so many great examples from his life that it seems they were meant to be shared in this book. I love his made up combination of words, such as "buzzer-shot victories" and "give away your rice and beans".

Jeff is an upfront and honest author who shares the good and not so good examples in his life. He wants you to know your Father better and experience the divine applause.

Do you wish to see the invisible God?  Then start by reading this book!

"I received this book for free from Random House for this review."

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The power of a half hour

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This book reminded me how important a half hour can be. I think I need to be reminded often because I know how many half hours I have wasted.

This book brings out how we all can impact those around us one half hour at a time. Taking on changing the world seems a little daunting. But if we invest our half hours it won't seem so overwhelming.

Tommy Barnett has some gems of wisdom that he shares in this book. He credits God for everything.

I recommend this book for everyone to be reminded how to use are half hours well.

"I received this book for free from Multnumah WaterBrook Publishing for this review".

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Ask It

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Why didn't I think of that. Just ask it, duh?  Andy takes a simple statement and makes it profoundly important.

So what's the question?  I wondered that reading the first chapter. That isn't revealed until later. I think because I was waiting impatiently for that to be told I wasn't paying attention reading up to that point.

It was a good book, but I guess it's like a "who done it?" I wanted to find out the question, then read how to incorporate it into my life for God.

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review