Sunday, September 29, 2013

Clear Winter Nights by Trevin Wax

Clear Winter Nights: A Journey into Truth, Doubt, and What Comes After
I don't usually read fiction very often, but this book was worth reading.  It takes the reader on a tumbling journey following the struggles of a man who made a commitment to Christ as a child, but now has doubts about his faith. 

Chris doesn't want to be judgemental.  He has trouble answering questions from his classmates of other religions.  He doesn't like the way some Christians handle the hot topics.  He has questions and concerns that plague many of us today, no matter what age group.

Fortunately Chris has a godly grandfather that he goes to visit. He prepares himself not to let on to his grandfather about his doubts.  But it doesn't take this godly man long to figure out there is something not settled with his grandson. 

The conversation between the two gets deep, but still continues to be light.  Deep because there is no pat answer to the question and light that the grandfather's answers are non-judgemental and clear.

Throughout the book I wanted this kind of grandfather to talk to.  One you can ask the hard questions and be content with the answer whether it was clearly answered or not.

The book ends not knowing what Chris ends up doing with his life.  But with the conversations with his grandfather, you take away that only good can come of it. 

There are many one-liners in this book.  Things you would expect to hear from a godly grandfather. "Christianity isn't about giving up, but giving in."  "Salvation doesn't come from our willpower, it's God's will & power."

"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review."

Monday, September 23, 2013

A Sisterchicks Devotional, Take Flight

Take Flight

This devotional is a must read for women of all ages.  It takes you on a journey as a bird in flight.  There are stories of highs and lows, but they all keep God's word at the forefront.

This book inspires and lifts up the soul.  There is humor along with passions, advice and truth.  This formula makes for a good read.  After reading this book I wanted to meet the authors.  They write about having fun along with honest friendships.

Don't be scared off by the word devotional being in the title. This isn't your normal devotional book. It has stories, wit and charm all throughout.  Read it soon.

" I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review."

Friday, September 6, 2013

Godonomics by Chad Hovind

Product DetailsGodonomics is an eye-opener on God's wisdom on government, economics and finances. It addresses things for a personal to a political application. The book is one that takes a person away from thinking of  the Bible as a history lesson and stories to events that can be applied today.

We have enough recorded history to know what has worked and what has not.  Chad Hovind brings up the point that the further we go from the advice of the Bible and God, the more we will see how it fails.

The author does bring up many government issues. But always has examples from God's word to compare them to.

Even if you don't follow politics this is a good book to read.  It brings out some political comparison with a Biblical story. I guess we are to live our lives in direct contact with God's word, why not in the government also.  Hey! can someone get this book to Washington DC?

"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review."